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Chat Log for Omnip)o(tentS 2.0 Onslaught - ONS-Minus-KitchenSink-Randomizer
on Mon, Oct 10 2022, 9:46:39 PM
Minutes Player Text
-0m 48s p)o(oty Connected
-0m 48s p)o(oty Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 48s Army Connected
-0m 48s Army Team Change to Red Team
-0m 47s ShitMapTuesday Connected
-0m 47s ShitMapTuesday Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 47s Super_Sanka Connected
-0m 47s Super_Sanka Team Change to Red Team
-0m 46s Kronix Connected
-0m 46s Kronix Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 46s ZDragonMan Connected
-0m 46s sol.snarf Connected
-0m 46s ZDragonMan Team Change to Red Team
-0m 46s sol.snarf Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 46s Hector_Salamanca Connected
-0m 46s Hector_Salamanca Team Change to Red Team
-0m 45s BUSCHMASTER Connected
-0m 45s BUSCHMASTER Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 45s Xexx Connected
-0m 45s Xexx Team Change to Red Team
-0m 45s leon Connected
-0m 45s leon Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 45s micronova Connected
-0m 45s micronova Team Change to Red Team
-0m 45s AnKeeDo Connected
-0m 45s AnKeeDo Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 43s nautikal Connected
-0m 43s nautikal Team Change to Red Team
-0m 41s BIG_FloPPies Connected
-0m 41s BIG_FloPPies Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 39s WorldIsMental Connected
-0m 39s WorldIsMental Team Change to Red Team
-0m 29s Hector_Salamanca -inthearmy
-0m 29s BLA$TER Connected
-0m 29s BLA$TER Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 28s ^oblio^ Connected
-0m 28s ^oblio^ Team Change to Red Team
-0m 26s ShitMapTuesday Put Enyo and GTKU in the same room, and watch a love baby come out
-0m 25s JubeiX Connected
-0m 25s JubeiX Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 08s Javiar Connected
-0m 08s Javiar Team Change to Red Team
-0m 02s ShitMapTuesday lol
0m 00s Game Start
0m 00s Super_Sanka Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Xexx Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s leon Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s BLA$TER Team Change to Red Team
0m 02s Kronix grown up with these great sound clips
0m 02s BUSCHMASTER Telefragged Xexx
0m 08s Player 40 Connected
0m 37s Army Killed BIG_FloPPies with a MinotaurKill
0m 37s Army Killed sol.snarf with a MinotaurKill
0m 41s Army Killed p)o(oty with a MinotaurTurretkill
0m 47s micronova Killed Super_Sanka with a DamTypeFlareBomb
0m 49s BUSCHMASTER Headshot Hector_Salamanca with a DamTypeONSBoardHeadshot
0m 53s Xexx Killed Player 40 with a MinotaurKill
0m 54s Army Killed AnKeeDo with a MinotaurKill
0m 54s Army Killed BUSCHMASTER with a MinotaurKill
0m 56s Xexx Killed Army with a MinotaurKill
0m 59s leon Killed Kronix with a FalconPlasma
1m 01s leon Killed ShitMapTuesday with a FalconPlasma
1m 03s ^oblio^ Killed BIG_FloPPies with a FireKill
1m 04s p)o(oty Killed ^oblio^ with a BallistaShell
1m 07s micronova Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
1m 10s WorldIsMental Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Redeemer
1m 16s Javiar Killed sol.snarf with a Raptor
1m 18s BLA$TER Killed Super_Sanka with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
1m 25s BLA$TER Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
1m 28s sol.snarf Killed Javiar with a Raptor
1m 28s Hector_Salamanca Killed Super_Sanka with a Minigun
1m 29s Xexx Killed Hector_Salamanca with a MinotaurKill
1m 30s ShitMapTuesday Killed micronova with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
1m 32s WorldIsMental Killed p)o(oty with a Minigun
1m 33s BLA$TER Killed sol.snarf with a DamTypeMirageMissle
1m 34s leon Killed AnKeeDo with a FalconPlasma
1m 45s leon Killed Xexx with a FalconPlasma
1m 45s Player 18 Connected
1m 49s Eny)o( Connected
1m 49s Eny)o( Team Change to Blue Team
1m 51s WorldIsMental Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Shock Rifle
1m 54s leon Killed ShitMapTuesday with a FalconPlasma
1m 55s Super_Sanka Killed nautikal with a Raptor
1m 57s Super_Sanka Killed leon with a WaspFlak
1m 57s ^oblio^ Suicided from Reckless Driving
1m 58s Army Suicided with a DamTypeKamakaze
1m 59s BUSCHMASTER Killed BLA$TER with a Lightning Gun
2m 00s Player 40 Killed p)o(oty with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
2m 01s micronova Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Railgun
2m 10s sol.snarf Killed Hector_Salamanca with a FireBall
2m 17s BUSCHMASTER Killed nautikal with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
2m 17s sol.snarf Killed WorldIsMental with a HeatRay
2m 18s AnKeeDo Suicided with a Flak Cannon
2m 20s ZDragonMan Killed BUSCHMASTER with a CentaurBeams
2m 21s Kronix Killed Javiar with a DamTypeEONSScorpionEnergyProjectile
2m 22s micronova Killed sol.snarf with a Railgun
2m 29s Xexx Killed Player 40 with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
2m 31s Javiar Killed Player 18 with a Raptor
2m 32s Javiar Killed p)o(oty with a Raptor
2m 34s Super_Sanka Killed BLA$TER with a Raptor
2m 37s JubeiX Killed WorldIsMental with a Vehicle Explosion
2m 37s leon Killed Kronix with a DamType_ARMTankRoadkill
2m 41s p)o(oty Fell to their death
2m 42s micronova Killed Xexx with a Shock Rifle
2m 51s Hector_Salamanca Killed Super_Sanka with a CSLinkNukeDamTypeLinkNuke
2m 51s Player 40 Killed BUSCHMASTER with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
2m 55s Player 40 Killed BIG_FloPPies with a BadgerCannon_Kill
2m 58s ^oblio^ Killed sol.snarf with a Rocket Launcher
3m 01s ZDragonMan Killed Eny)o( with a CentaurBeams
3m 04s Kronix Killed Player 40 with a BallistaShell
3m 06s ZDragonMan Killed AnKeeDo with a CentaurBeams
3m 06s Red Team Captured a Point!
3m 13s Army balance
3m 25s Xexx Telefragged Kronix
3m 50s p)o(oty Killed Hector_Salamanca with a DamTypeFlareBomb
3m 55s ^oblio^ Killed Player 18 with a CSBomberDamTypeBomb
3m 55s ^oblio^ Killed ShitMapTuesday with a CSBomberDamTypeBomb
3m 56s Army Killed BUSCHMASTER with a MinotaurKill
3m 58s ZDragonMan Killed p)o(oty with a CentaurBeams
4m 00s micronova Killed JubeiX with a CSBioBomberBioBeam
4m 03s BIG_FloPPies Killed Army with a CSBomberDamTypeBomb
4m 03s Xexx Killed ^oblio^ with an ArbalestRocketNova
4m 05s ZDragonMan Killed BIG_FloPPies with a CentaurBeams
4m 08s AnKeeDo Killed WorldIsMental with a MinotaurKill
4m 09s Xexx Killed micronova with an ArbalestRocketNova
4m 09s leon Killed Super_Sanka with a CentaurBeams
4m 13s DW>RES Connected
4m 13s DW>RES Team Change to Red Team
4m 17s ShitMapTuesday Killed Javiar with a CSPallasDamTypeMainCannon
4m 18s AnKeeDo Killed leon with a MinotaurKill
4m 24s AnKeeDo Killed Army with a MinotaurKill
4m 27s BUSCHMASTER Killed Player 40 with a Railgun
4m 28s nautikal Killed Super_Sanka with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
4m 34s BUSCHMASTER Killed ^oblio^ with a Railgun
4m 38s Xexx Killed nautikal with an ArbalestRocketNova
4m 38s ^oblio^ Disconnected
4m 40s BLA$TER Killed Eny)o( with a DamTypePPCTankProj
4m 43s BLA$TER Killed sol.snarf with a DamTypePPCTankProj
4m 43s Xexx Killed Javiar with an ArbalestRocketNova
4m 45s AnKeeDo Killed WorldIsMental with a MinotaurKill
4m 49s leon Killed BIG_FloPPies with a LIPDamTypeConcussionMantaBolt
4m 50s AnKeeDo Killed Hector_Salamanca with a MinotaurKill
4m 50s BLA$TER Killed ShitMapTuesday with a DamTypePPCTankProj
4m 58s AnKeeDo Killed leon with a MinotaurKill
5m 01s Player 40 Suicided from Reckless Driving
5m 02s BLA$TER Killed Player 18 with a DamTypePPCTankProj
5m 02s BUSCHMASTER Killed ZDragonMan with a Railgun
5m 04s Xexx Killed micronova with a Vehicle Explosion
5m 06s BUSCHMASTER Killed WorldIsMental with a Railgun
5m 14s micronova Killed ShitMapTuesday with a DamTypeBasiliskBeam
5m 14s Eny)o( Killed Army with a CentaurBeams
5m 18s leon Killed sol.snarf with a CSBomberDamTypeGun
5m 18s BUSCHMASTER Killed leon with a Railgun
5m 19s AnKeeDo Killed micronova with a MinotaurKill
5m 22s Player 40 Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamType_LaserBeam
5m 23s AnKeeDo Killed DW>RES with a MinotaurKill
5m 23s AnKeeDo Suicided with a MinotaurKill
5m 34s Super_Sanka Killed BLA$TER with a LIPDamTypeConcussionMantaBolt
5m 42s Player 40 Killed Kronix with a DamType_LaserBeam
5m 45s Army Killed ShitMapTuesday with a CSLinkNukeDamTypeLinkNuke
5m 46s Player 40 Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamType_LaserBeam
5m 47s Eny)o( Killed DW>RES with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
5m 54s ZDragonMan Killed AnKeeDo with a CentaurBeams
5m 55s sol.snarf Killed micronova with a DamTypePheonixBurst
5m 56s Hector_Salamanca Killed BUSCHMASTER with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
5m 58s Hector_Salamanca Suicided with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
6m 03s Xexx Killed Army with an ArbalestRocketNova
6m 04s sol.snarf Fell to their death
6m 05s Kronix Killed WorldIsMental with a CSMarvinMissileDamType
6m 10s Eny)o( Killed micronova with a Shock Rifle
6m 11s leon Killed p)o(oty with a Bio Rifle
6m 17s Army Killed ShitMapTuesday with a CSBomberDamTypeBomb
6m 18s JubeiX Killed DW>RES with an ArbalestRocketBomb
6m 20s Xexx Killed Army with an ArbalestRocketNova
6m 25s ZDragonMan Killed BIG_FloPPies with a CentaurBeams
6m 33s Super_Sanka Killed ZDragonMan with a LIPDamTypeConcussionMantaBolt
6m 33s p)o(oty Killed Player 40 with a CentaurBeams
6m 35s sol.snarf Killed micronova with a BiotankKill
6m 38s Eny)o( Killed leon with a Shock Rifle
6m 40s Super_Sanka Killed DW>RES with a LIPDamTypeConcussionMantaBolt
6m 46s Javiar Killed Xexx with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
6m 46s Javiar Died from an ArbalestRocketNova
6m 52s ShitMapTuesday Killed micronova with a CSLinkNukeDamTypeLinkNuke
6m 52s Super_Sanka Killed DW>RES with a LIPDamTypeConcussionMantaBolt
6m 53s Eny)o( Died from an UAMDamTypeChangeTeam
6m 53s Eny)o( Team Change to Red Team
6m 53s nautikal Disconnected
7m 00s Army Killed BIG_FloPPies with a CentaurBeams
7m 00s ZDragonMan Killed p)o(oty with a Flak Cannon
7m 03s trans_lux Connected
7m 03s trans_lux Team Change to Blue Team
7m 03s leon Headshot Player 18 with a LIPDamTypeConcussionMantaHeadshot
7m 04s BLA$TER Killed AnKeeDo with a MinotaurKill
7m 09s Player 40 Killed p)o(oty with a DamTypeSpiderTankAGSliceBeam
7m 09s Xexx Killed BLA$TER with a CSPallasDamTypeMortarShell
7m 09s micronova Killed sol.snarf with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
7m 09s Kronix Killed micronova with a CSMarvinMissileDamType
7m 12s leon Killed BUSCHMASTER with a LIPDamTypeConcussionMantaBolt
7m 16s DW>RES Killed JubeiX with a Lightning Gun
7m 17s Eny)o( Killed ShitMapTuesday with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
7m 19s Super_Sanka Killed Hector_Salamanca with a LIPDamTypeConcussionMantaBolt
7m 20s Xexx Killed Javiar with a CSPallasDamTypeMortarShell
7m 21s 11:11 Connected
7m 22s AnKeeDo Killed Eny)o( with a CSPallasDamTypeMainCannon
7m 23s Army Killed Player 18 with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
7m 27s p)o(oty Killed Army with a DamTypeDracoExplosion
7m 27s p)o(oty Suicided with a DamTypeDracoExplosion
7m 29s BUSCHMASTER Killed DW>RES with a DamTypePheonixBurst
7m 31s BLA$TER Suicided with a DamTypeKamakaze
7m 34s leon Killed BUSCHMASTER with a LIPDamTypeConcussionMantaBolt
7m 39s Xexx Killed WorldIsMental with a CSPallasDamTypeMortarShell
7m 41s AnKeeDo Killed Hector_Salamanca with a CSPallasDamTypeMainCannon
7m 42s Eny)o( Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypePheonixBurst
7m 42s sol.snarf Killed Eny)o( with a DamType_LaserBeam
7m 48s Eny)o( Suicided with a Flak Cannon
7m 49s leon Killed Kronix with a Lightning Gun
7m 49s trans_lux Disconnected
7m 52s leon Killed JubeiX with a LIPDamTypeConcussionMantaBolt
7m 55s Player 18 Killed Javiar with a DamTypeHeavyShell
7m 55s Player 40 Knocked AnKeeDo off a ledge
8m 02s JubeiX Killed Player 40 with an ArbalestRocketNova
8m 03s p)o(oty Suicided with a Ran Over
8m 06s trans_lux Connected
8m 06s trans_lux Team Change to Blue Team
8m 06s Super_Sanka Killed Javiar with a LIPDamTypeConcussionMantaBolt
8m 07s 11:11 Killed Xexx with a Bio Rifle
8m 10s Player 18 Killed WorldIsMental with a DamTypeHeavyShell
8m 12s leon Killed BUSCHMASTER with a LIPDamTypeConcussionMantaBolt
8m 13s Player 18 Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
8m 14s ZDragonMan Killed Kronix with a Goliath Minigun Turret
8m 19s Hector_Salamanca Killed p)o(oty with a DamTypeHeavyShell
8m 20s Super_Sanka Killed WorldIsMental with a LIPDamTypeConcussionMantaBolt
8m 21s Xexx Killed Eny)o( with an ArbalestRocketBomb
8m 21s nautikal Connected
8m 25s Hector_Salamanca Killed JubeiX with a DamTypeHeavyShell
8m 25s leon Killed BIG_FloPPies with a LIPDamTypeConcussionMantaBolt
8m 25s BLA$TER Killed Player 18 with a CSBomberDamTypeBomb
8m 30s BIG_FloPPies Carjacked a Wraith
8m 31s 11:11 Killed sol.snarf with a DamTypeRhinoLasers
8m 33s ShitMapTuesday Killed micronova with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
8m 36s nautikal balance
8m 39s Player 40 Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeDragonBeam
8m 41s McL)o(vin Connected
8m 41s McL)o(vin Team Change to Blue Team
8m 43s Player 18 Killed Army with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
8m 45s Super_Sanka Killed WorldIsMental with a LIPDamTypeConcussionMantaBolt
8m 45s BUSCHMASTER Killed Javiar with a DamTypeFlareBomb
8m 49s ShitMapTuesday Killed ZDragonMan with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
8m 49s Super_Sanka Killed nautikal with a LIPDamTypeConcussionMantaBolt
8m 50s p)o(oty Killed Javiar with a Leviathan
8m 52s Eny)o( Killed ShitMapTuesday with a CSMarvinMissileDamType
8m 52s BUSCHMASTER Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeFlareBomb
8m 53s leon Killed AnKeeDo with a Rocket Launcher
8m 54s Kronix Killed Player 40 with a DamTypeBasiliskBeam
8m 57s leon Killed Player 18 with a Shock Rifle
8m 59s Super_Sanka Killed Javiar with a LIPDamTypeConcussionMantaBolt
9m 01s p)o(oty Killed 11:11 with a Leviathan
9m 01s p)o(oty Killed leon with a Leviathan
9m 08s p)o(oty Killed micronova with a Leviathan
9m 08s trans_lux Killed Hector_Salamanca with a DamTypeSpiderTankAGSliceBeam
9m 10s BUSCHMASTER Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeFlareBomb
9m 13s BUSCHMASTER Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeFlareBomb
9m 18s Kronix Killed WorldIsMental with a DamTypeBasiliskBeam
9m 21s ShitMapTuesday Suicided with a DamTypeKamakaze
9m 22s ShitMapTuesday Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeKamakaze
9m 22s ShitMapTuesday Killed Army with a DamTypeKamakaze
9m 23s BIG_FloPPies Knocked 11:11 off a ledge
9m 23s BIG_FloPPies Knocked WorldIsMental off a ledge
9m 25s DW>RES Killed JubeiX with an AVRiL
9m 29s Xexx Killed leon with an ArbalestRocketBomb
9m 29s micronova Killed Player 18 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
9m 30s BUSCHMASTER Suicided from Reckless Driving
9m 31s Kronix Killed Eny)o( with a DamTypeBasiliskBeam
9m 32s BIG_FloPPies Killed 11:11 with a MinotaurKill
9m 33s micronova Killed McL)o(vin with a DamTypeHeavyShell
9m 35s Super_Sanka Killed micronova with a LIPDamTypeConcussionMantaBolt
9m 37s sol.snarf Killed Player 40 with a CSPallasDamTypeMortarShell
9m 37s BLA$TER Killed Kronix with a MinotaurKill
9m 39s Xexx Killed BLA$TER with an ArbalestRocketBomb
9m 39s DW>RES Killed Super_Sanka with a DamTypePPCTankProj
9m 39s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
9m 41s Antaeus Connected
9m 41s Antaeus Team Change to Red Team
9m 42s leon Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypePheonixBeam
9m 45s Xexx Killed nautikal with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
9m 46s WorldIsMental Killed Player 18 with a DamType_LaserBeam
9m 51s BIG_FloPPies Killed leon with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
9m 52s sol.snarf Killed BLA$TER with a CSPallasDamTypeMortarShell
9m 55s Eny)o( Killed Kronix with a WaspFlak
9m 57s BIG_FloPPies Killed 11:11 with a MinotaurKill
9m 58s Player 18 Killed WorldIsMental with a WyvernBeams
10m 02s ZDragonMan Killed McL)o(vin with a CentaurBeams
10m 03s SGT_Airborne Connected
10m 03s SGT_Airborne Team Change to Blue Team
10m 03s micronova Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Minigun
10m 04s DW>RES Killed ShitMapTuesday with a DamTypePPCTankProj
10m 04s p)o(oty Killed Hector_Salamanca with a Leviathan
10m 04s Eny)o( Killed Xexx with a WaspFlak
10m 05s p)o(oty Killed Army with a Leviathan
10m 06s leon Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeBasiliskBeam
10m 10s Player 40 Killed BIG_FloPPies with a BioBadgerBeamKill
10m 13s ZDragonMan Killed Player 18 with a CentaurBeams
10m 15s sol.snarf Killed Antaeus with a CSPallasDamTypeMortarShell
10m 15s Eny)o( Killed p)o(oty with a WaspFlak
10m 17s Hector_Salamanca Killed JubeiX with a FalconPlasma
10m 18s Player 40 Killed trans_lux with a BioBadgerBeamKill
10m 20s Super_Sanka Killed Hector_Salamanca with a DamTypeDragonBomb
10m 20s Super_Sanka Killed micronova with a DamTypeDragonBomb
10m 22s sol.snarf Killed nautikal with a CSPallasDamTypeMortarShell
10m 22s DW>RES Killed Xexx with a DamTypePPCTankProj
10m 24s ZDragonMan Killed Super_Sanka with a CentaurBeams
10m 27s Kronix Killed BLA$TER with a BiotankKill
10m 30s BUSCHMASTER Killed ZDragonMan with a Destroyed Vehicle
10m 30s Eny)o( Killed Kronix with a WaspFlak
10m 34s Player 40 Killed McL)o(vin with a BiotankKill
10m 36s WorldIsMental Suicided with a Shield Gun
10m 37s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
10m 37s BUSCHMASTER Killed Army with a BiotankKill
10m 42s leon Killed SGT_Airborne with a CSBioBomberBioBeam
10m 46s sol.snarf Killed Player 40 with a CSPallasDamTypeMortarShell
10m 46s BLA$TER Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
10m 46s BUSCHMASTER Killed micronova with a BioBadgerBeamKill
10m 51s WorldIsMental Killed Super_Sanka with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
10m 52s ShitMapTuesday Killed Eny)o( with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
10m 54s ShitMapTuesday Killed leon with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
10m 55s Javiar Knocked JubeiX off a ledge
10m 55s 11:11 Killed Xexx with a DamTypeSpiderTankAGSliceBeam
10m 59s BUSCHMASTER Killed Player 40 with a BiotankKill
11m 01s BIG_FloPPies Killed BLA$TER with a CSBomberDamTypeGun
11m 04s ZDragonMan Killed p)o(oty with a Lightning Gun
11m 05s ShitMapTuesday Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
11m 07s DW>RES Killed SGT_Airborne with a DamTypePPCTankProj
11m 08s BIG_FloPPies Killed Antaeus with a CSBomberDamTypeGun
11m 09s micronova Carjacked a Hyena
11m 09s Player 40 Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
11m 13s Player 18 Killed micronova with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
11m 14s 11:11 Killed Kronix with a DamTypeSpiderTankAGSliceBeam
11m 15s McL)o(vin Killed Army with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
11m 18s Colbye Connected
11m 18s DW>RES Killed McL)o(vin with a DamTypePPCTankProj
11m 18s ZDragonMan Killed Player 18 with a Minigun
11m 19s Xexx Killed Hector_Salamanca with an ArbalestRocketBomb
11m 20s trans_lux Killed Javiar with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
11m 22s sol.snarf Killed nautikal with a CSPallasDamTypeMortarShell
11m 22s Eny)o( Killed Xexx with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
11m 22s BUSCHMASTER Killed DW>RES with a BiotankKill
11m 24s leon Killed JubeiX with a DamTypePheonixBurst
11m 25s sol.snarf Died from a Destroyed Vehicle
11m 27s Colbye nows the time
11m 30s WorldIsMental Suicided
11m 30s BUSCHMASTER Killed 11:11 with a BioBadgerBeamKill
11m 35s Army :)
11m 36s ShitMapTuesday -colbye-cyber
11m 37s BUSCHMASTER Killed Army with a BioBadgerBeamKill
11m 39s Super_Sanka Killed ZDragonMan with a FalconPlasma
11m 43s JubeiX Killed leon with a Rocket Launcher
11m 43s Hector_Salamanca Killed Super_Sanka with a WaspFlak
11m 47s Eny)o( Killed BUSCHMASTER with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
11m 47s Eny)o( Killed McL)o(vin with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
11m 48s ZDragonMan Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Goliath Minigun Turret
11m 49s Kronix Killed Hector_Salamanca with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
11m 51s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
11m 52s Eny)o( Suicided with a Flak Cannon
11m 53s p)o(oty Killed Colbye with a DamTypeHeavyShell
11m 54s Player 40 Killed Player 18 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
11m 54s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
11m 57s Kronix Killed Antaeus with a Flak Cannon
11m 57s leon Killed AnKeeDo with a CSBioBomberBioBeam
11m 58s Player 40 Killed Xexx with a DamTypeHeavyShell
11m 59s Army Killed ShitMapTuesday with a CSBomberDamTypeBomb
12m 00s DW>RES Killed Kronix with a Lightning Gun
12m 03s sol.snarf Killed Army with a BadgerCannon_Kill
12m 06s Hector_Salamanca Killed sol.snarf with a DamTypePPCTankProj
12m 10s Eny)o( Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
12m 11s Eny)o( Killed McL)o(vin with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
12m 12s Super_Sanka Killed micronova with a LIPDamTypeConcussionMantaBolt
12m 12s trans_lux Killed Javiar with an ArbalestRocketNova
12m 14s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
12m 19s Eny)o( Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
12m 19s Super_Sanka Knocked WorldIsMental off a ledge
12m 22s leon Killed SGT_Airborne with a CSBioBomberBioBeam
12m 22s JubeiX Killed Antaeus with a Rocket Launcher
12m 22s Player 40 Killed Player 18 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
12m 22s BIG_FloPPies Killed Player 40 with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
12m 25s ZDragonMan Killed Kronix with a DamTypeDracoExplosion
12m 27s Antaeus Disconnected
12m 27s BLA$TER Killed Super_Sanka with a MinotaurKill
12m 29s JubeiX Killed Colbye with a Rocket Launcher
12m 30s BLA$TER Killed BUSCHMASTER with a MinotaurKill
12m 34s BIG_FloPPies Killed DW>RES with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
12m 35s WorldIsMental Killed p)o(oty with a DamTypeBasiliskBeam
12m 35s Eny)o( Killed ShitMapTuesday with a DamTypeFlareBomb
12m 36s ZDragonMan Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Goliath Minigun Turret
12m 37s Xexx Killed WorldIsMental with a MinotaurKill
12m 38s leon Killed trans_lux with a CSBioBomberBioBeam
12m 40s ShitMapTuesday Telefragged BIG_FloPPies
12m 41s WorldIsMental Suicided
12m 41s WorldIsMental Disconnected
12m 41s leon Killed p)o(oty with a CSBioBomberBioBeam
12m 42s ZDragonMan Killed sol.snarf with a Goliath Minigun Turret
12m 42s Kronix Killed nautikal with a BioBadgerBeamKill
12m 42s BLA$TER Killed Player 18 with a MinotaurKill
12m 44s 11:11 Killed Super_Sanka with a Railgun
12m 44s Hector_Salamanca Killed JubeiX with a DamTypePPCTankProj
12m 46s Eny)o( Killed McL)o(vin with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
12m 50s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
12m 50s Blue Team Captured a Point!
12m 50s Xexx Killed Colbye with a MinotaurKill
12m 58s Colbye MOTHER FUCKERS
13m 24s leon Killed McL)o(vin with a DamType_PredatorMissile
13m 32s Player 40 Killed ShitMapTuesday with an Ion Plasma Tank
13m 32s Player 40 Killed p)o(oty with an Ion Plasma Tank
13m 37s leon Killed Kronix with a DamType_PredatorMissile
13m 42s Hector_Salamanca Killed McL)o(vin with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
13m 44s Super_Sanka Killed nautikal with a DamType_LaserBeam
13m 46s Player 40 Killed sol.snarf with an Ion Plasma Tank
13m 46s Player 40 Suicided from a Vehicle Explosion
13m 46s Super_Sanka Died from an Ion Plasma Tank
13m 48s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
13m 48s BIG_FloPPies Killed 11:11 with a MinotaurKill
13m 52s JubeiX Killed Eny)o( with an Ion Plasma Tank
13m 53s Xexx Killed leon with an ArbalestRocketBomb
13m 54s BIG_FloPPies Killed nautikal with a MinotaurKill
13m 56s Player 18 Killed micronova with an Ion Plasma Tank
13m 58s SGT_Airborne Killed Army with a DamType_PredatorMissile
14m 00s Colbye Killed Player 18 with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
14m 00s BLA$TER Killed BUSCHMASTER with a MinotaurKill
14m 00s BLA$TER Killed trans_lux with a MinotaurKill
14m 03s BLA$TER Killed ShitMapTuesday with a MinotaurKill
14m 06s SGT_Airborne Suicided with a DamType_Crashed
14m 06s BIG_FloPPies Killed BLA$TER with a MinotaurKill
14m 08s p)o(oty Killed Colbye with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
14m 08s p)o(oty Killed Javiar with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
14m 09s Super_Sanka Killed ZDragonMan with a Goliath
14m 12s p)o(oty Killed DW>RES with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
14m 19s 11:11 Killed Kronix with a DamTypeONSBoardPancake
14m 19s 11:11 Headshot AnKeeDo with a DamTypeONSBoardHeadshot
14m 19s Eny)o( Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Link Gun
14m 20s 11:11 Suicided with a DamTypeKamakaze
14m 21s 11:11 Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeKamakaze
14m 27s Fragster Connected
14m 29s p)o(oty Carjacked a FirebugV2Omni
14m 29s leon Killed Super_Sanka with a Goliath
14m 32s DW>RES Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Railgun
14m 32s trans_lux Killed Eny)o( with a FireBall
14m 33s McL)o(vin Suicided with a DamTypeKamakaze
14m 34s Xexx Killed nautikal with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
14m 34s BUSCHMASTER Killed Hector_Salamanca with a DamType_LaserBeam
14m 38s 11:11 Killed trans_lux with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
14m 41s Player 40 Killed sol.snarf with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
14m 44s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
14m 44s SGT_Airborne Killed micronova with a Leviathan
14m 46s trans_lux Carjacked a CSFlyingSaucer
14m 46s Kronix Killed Colbye with a DamTypeShockerRocket
14m 46s BUSCHMASTER Killed Javiar with a Goliath Minigun Turret
14m 47s leon Killed Super_Sanka with a Goliath
14m 47s trans_lux Suicided from Reckless Driving
14m 48s BLA$TER Killed p)o(oty with a DamType_LaserBeam
14m 49s Player 18 Killed DW>RES with a Goliath
14m 53s Player 40 Killed JubeiX with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
14m 56s BLA$TER Killed ShitMapTuesday with a Goliath Minigun Turret
14m 57s BUSCHMASTER Killed Javiar with a DamType_LaserBeam
14m 58s Xexx Killed Player 40 with a Goliath Minigun Turret
15m 01s Hector_Salamanca Killed AnKeeDo with an Ion Plasma Tank
15m 01s Super_Sanka Killed BLA$TER with a CSBomberDamTypeGun
15m 02s BUSCHMASTER Killed 11:11 with a DamType_LaserBeam
15m 05s leon Killed p)o(oty with a Goliath
15m 05s leon Killed JubeiX with a DamTypeFirebugExplosion
15m 05s leon Suicided with a DamTypeFirebugExplosion
15m 06s Army Killed Player 18 with an Ion Plasma Tank
15m 07s Xexx Killed nautikal with a Goliath Minigun Turret
15m 19s BUSCHMASTER Killed Hector_Salamanca with a DamType_LaserBeam
15m 20s Javiar Carjacked a LIPShortCircuit
15m 27s Xexx Killed ZDragonMan with a Goliath Minigun Turret
15m 28s sol.snarf Killed Javiar with a Vehicle Explosion
15m 30s leon Killed trans_lux with a DamType_PredatorMissile
15m 34s Super_Sanka Killed micronova with a Shock Rifle
15m 35s McL)o(vin Killed Colbye with an Ion Plasma Tank
15m 36s Player 40 Killed Super_Sanka with a Rocket Launcher
15m 38s Player 18 Killed Eny)o( with a Railgun
15m 38s 11:11 Killed McL)o(vin with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
15m 42s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
15m 43s leon Killed Xexx with a DamType_PredatorMissile
15m 43s nautikal Killed sol.snarf with a DamType_LaserBeam
15m 45s ShitMapTuesday Killed Army with a DamType_HTankRocket
15m 48s Kronix Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeShockerRocket
15m 49s McL)o(vin Suicided with a DamType_Crashed
15m 49s BUSCHMASTER Killed leon with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
15m 51s DW>RES Killed JubeiX with a Leviathan
15m 52s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
15m 54s ShitMapTuesday Killed Javiar with a DamType_HTankShell
15m 55s BLA$TER Killed Kronix with a Goliath Minigun Turret
16m 01s BUSCHMASTER Killed BLA$TER with a Flak Cannon
16m 01s BUSCHMASTER Killed nautikal with a Flak Cannon
16m 02s micronova Killed Super_Sanka with an ArbalestRocketBomb
16m 03s p)o(oty Killed micronova with a BallistaShell
16m 04s Xexx Headshot Eny)o( with a LIPDamTypePulseMantaHeadshot
16m 05s Player 40 Killed Player 18 with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
16m 08s Colbye Killed AnKeeDo with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
16m 08s p)o(oty Carjacked a Wraith
16m 09s BUSCHMASTER Killed Colbye with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
16m 09s BUSCHMASTER Killed Javiar with a Vehicle Explosion
16m 14s Hector_Salamanca Killed ShitMapTuesday with a Cicada
16m 17s McL)o(vin Killed micronova with a Scorpion
16m 17s Player 40 Killed McL)o(vin with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
16m 19s nautikal Suicided with a DamType_Crashed
16m 23s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
16m 24s Eny)o( Killed JubeiX with a CSBomberDamTypeGun
16m 27s p)o(oty Killed Fragster with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
16m 30s Super_Sanka Killed Eny)o( with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
16m 31s 11:11 Killed Player 18 with a MinotaurTurretkill
16m 31s ZDragonMan Killed SGT_Airborne with a Goliath Minigun Turret
16m 32s Player 40 Killed BIG_FloPPies with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
16m 33s BLA$TER Killed BUSCHMASTER with an Ion Plasma Tank
16m 33s leon Killed JubeiX with a MinotaurKill
16m 34s Kronix Killed Hector_Salamanca with a Manta
16m 37s Xexx Headshot Javiar with a LIPDamTypePulseMantaHeadshot
16m 38s ZDragonMan Killed p)o(oty with a Goliath Minigun Turret
16m 40s Super_Sanka Killed nautikal with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
16m 43s ShitMapTuesday Killed Colbye with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
16m 43s leon Killed Xexx with a MinotaurKill
16m 46s 11:11 Killed Player 18 with a MinotaurTurretkill
16m 46s BLA$TER Killed Kronix with an Ion Plasma Tank
16m 52s Super_Sanka Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
16m 52s Super_Sanka Killed leon with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
16m 55s ShitMapTuesday Killed BLA$TER with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
16m 59s Eny)o( Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
16m 59s Player 40 Killed p)o(oty with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
17m 01s AnKeeDo Killed Army with a DamType_PredatorRocket
17m 07s SGT_Airborne Killed Fragster with a Goliath
17m 07s Player 40 Killed Kronix with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
17m 08s Super_Sanka Killed ZDragonMan with a DamTypeFlareBomb
17m 08s SGT_Airborne Killed micronova with a Goliath
17m 08s Super_Sanka Suicided from Reckless Driving
17m 08s sol.snarf Killed 11:11 with a DamType_LaserBeam
17m 09s Xexx Suicided with a Flak Cannon
17m 11s ShitMapTuesday Headshot Javiar with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaHeadshot
17m 14s Eny)o( Killed ShitMapTuesday with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
17m 14s leon Killed McL)o(vin with a DamType_PredatorMissile
17m 18s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
17m 22s SGT_Airborne Killed micronova with a Goliath
17m 25s McL)o(vin Suicided with a DamType_Crashed
17m 26s p)o(oty Killed Eny)o( with a HeatRay
17m 28s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
17m 30s SGT_Airborne Killed Fragster with a Goliath
17m 32s DW>RES Killed trans_lux with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
17m 33s p)o(oty Killed Hector_Salamanca with a HeatRay
17m 34s leon Killed SGT_Airborne with a DamType_PredatorMissile
17m 35s JubeiX Killed nautikal with a Shock Rifle
17m 36s Eny)o( Killed Xexx with a Railgun
17m 40s Eny)o( Killed Player 18 with a Railgun
17m 42s Colbye Killed BUSCHMASTER with an Ion Plasma Tank
17m 42s Colbye Killed JubeiX with an Ion Plasma Tank
17m 43s Player 40 Killed Kronix with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
17m 44s Super_Sanka Killed 11:11 with a Goliath Minigun Turret
17m 44s ShitMapTuesday Suicided with a DamTypeVenomCrash
17m 47s Eny)o( Killed p)o(oty with a Railgun
17m 49s Super_Sanka Killed leon with a DamType_LaserBeam
17m 51s McL)o(vin Killed Army with an Ion Plasma Tank
17m 51s McL)o(vin Killed DW>RES with an Ion Plasma Tank
17m 55s Snake98 Connected
17m 55s Snake98 Team Change to Blue Team
17m 57s Eny)o( Killed Xexx with a Railgun
17m 58s Player 18 Carjacked a ONSBoard
18m 05s ShitMapTuesday Killed Player 40 with a Goliath
18m 06s Super_Sanka Killed Eny)o( with a DamType_LaserBeam
18m 07s BUSCHMASTER Killed Colbye with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
18m 07s ZDragonMan Killed Player 18 with a CentaurBeams
18m 09s Super_Sanka Killed ZDragonMan with a DamType_LaserBeam
18m 10s McL)o(vin Killed Army with an Ion Plasma Tank
18m 11s micronova Killed JubeiX with a FireBall
18m 12s Super_Sanka Killed DW>RES with a DamType_LaserBeam
18m 13s BLA$TER Killed BIG_FloPPies with an Ion Plasma Tank
18m 14s McL)o(vin Killed nautikal with an Ion Plasma Tank
18m 14s micronova Killed p)o(oty with a FireKill
18m 16s Javiar Killed Super_Sanka with a Flak Cannon
18m 18s Hector_Salamanca Killed ShitMapTuesday with a DamType_LaserBeam
18m 18s BLA$TER Killed JubeiX with an Ion Plasma Tank
18m 21s AnKeeDo Knocked Xexx off a ledge
18m 24s micronova Killed trans_lux with a FireKill
18m 30s AnKeeDo Killed Colbye with a MinotaurKill
18m 30s AnKeeDo Killed Hector_Salamanca with a MinotaurKill
18m 30s p)o(oty Killed micronova with a CSBomberDamTypeGun
18m 31s BIG_FloPPies Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
18m 32s AnKeeDo Killed Javiar with a MinotaurKill
18m 32s BIG_FloPPies Suicided with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
18m 35s Super_Sanka Killed nautikal with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
18m 36s Eny)o( Killed p)o(oty with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
18m 39s Eny)o( Killed Player 18 with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
18m 41s sol.snarf Killed Javiar with a DamType_LaserBeam
18m 41s Eny)o( Killed Super_Sanka with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
18m 47s sol.snarf Killed Javiar with a DamType_LaserBeam
18m 48s McL)o(vin Killed DW>RES with an Ion Plasma Tank
18m 50s sol.snarf Killed Javiar with a DamType_LaserBeam
18m 51s AnKeeDo Killed Player 40 with a MinotaurKill
18m 51s AnKeeDo Killed ZDragonMan with a MinotaurKill
18m 52s leon Killed trans_lux with a DamTypeShockerIonBlast
19m 01s AnKeeDo Killed leon with a MinotaurKill
19m 02s Xexx Killed Player 40 with a Sentinel Laser
19m 04s Javiar Suicided with a Manta
19m 06s Eny)o( Killed trans_lux with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
19m 07s McL)o(vin Killed Javiar with an Ion Plasma Tank
19m 12s Army Killed Super_Sanka with a Goliath
19m 12s nautikal Killed AnKeeDo with a DamType_PredatorRocket
19m 15s Roaring_Kitty Connected
19m 15s Roaring_Kitty Team Change to Red Team
19m 15s McL)o(vin Killed Javiar with an Ion Plasma Tank
19m 22s Army Killed p)o(oty with a WVDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
19m 24s Army Killed Player 18 with a Goliath
19m 25s McL)o(vin Killed Fragster with an Ion Plasma Tank
19m 25s McL)o(vin Killed micronova with an Ion Plasma Tank
19m 26s Super_Sanka Killed Player 40 with a DamType_LaserBeam
19m 27s Army Killed JubeiX with a Goliath
19m 32s Player 40 Suicided with a DamType_Crashed
19m 32s Snake98 Killed Javiar with a DamTypeShockerIonBlast
19m 33s Snake98 Killed Roaring_Kitty with a DamTypeShockerIonBlast
19m 34s Army Killed McL)o(vin with a Goliath
19m 35s trans_lux Killed Army with a Goliath
19m 35s Hector_Salamanca Headshot ShitMapTuesday with a Lightning Gun
19m 37s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
19m 38s Snake98 Killed Colbye with a DamTypeShockerIonBlast
19m 39s BIG_FloPPies Headshot DW>RES with a DamTypeONSBoardHeadshot
19m 49s leon Killed Player 18 with an Ion Plasma Tank
19m 49s leon Killed p)o(oty with an Ion Plasma Tank
19m 50s BLA$TER Killed Snake98 with a MinotaurKill
19m 57s BLA$TER Killed Super_Sanka with a MinotaurKill
19m 58s Kronix Killed Fragster with a Goliath
20m 01s Xexx Killed BLA$TER with a Sentinel Laser
20m 05s BIG_FloPPies Killed Player 40 with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
20m 06s Xexx Killed nautikal with a Sentinel Laser
20m 07s trans_lux Killed micronova with a Goliath
20m 09s leon Killed BIG_FloPPies with an Ion Plasma Tank
20m 10s Eny)o( Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
20m 10s Snake98 Killed Hector_Salamanca with a CSBomberDamTypeBomb
20m 11s Super_Sanka Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
20m 11s ZDragonMan Killed Snake98 with a CentaurBeams
20m 13s micronova Killed p)o(oty with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
20m 13s trans_lux Killed Army with a Goliath
20m 16s McL)o(vin Killed Javiar with an Ion Plasma Tank
20m 19s sol.snarf Killed Player 40 with a DamType_LaserBeam
20m 20s trans_lux Killed micronova with a Goliath
20m 20s McL)o(vin Killed Colbye with an Ion Plasma Tank
20m 21s ZDragonMan Killed ShitMapTuesday with a CentaurBeams
20m 24s Super_Sanka Killed nautikal with a DamTypeFlareBomb
20m 25s Eny)o( Killed sol.snarf with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
20m 26s DW>RES Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Vehicle Explosion
20m 26s Kronix Carjacked a LIPPulseTraitor
20m 28s Super_Sanka Killed Army with a DamTypeDracoExplosion
20m 28s Roaring_Kitty Killed McL)o(vin with a DamType_HTankShell
20m 29s Roaring_Kitty Died from an Ion Plasma Tank
20m 32s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
20m 32s DW>RES Killed Player 18 with an Ion Plasma Tank
20m 33s Super_Sanka Killed micronova with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
20m 35s leon Killed Kronix with an Ion Plasma Tank
20m 39s leon Killed Snake98 with a Shock Rifle
20m 43s trans_lux Killed Colbye with a Goliath
20m 44s sol.snarf Killed leon with a Shock Rifle
20m 44s JubeiX Died from an Ion Plasma Tank
20m 45s Super_Sanka Killed Army with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
20m 47s Mike_Hawk_Ard Connected
20m 47s Mike_Hawk_Ard Team Change to Blue Team
20m 48s DW>RES Killed p)o(oty with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
20m 49s sol.snarf Killed Hector_Salamanca with a Shock Rifle
20m 53s micronova Killed JubeiX with a BallistaShell
20m 53s DW>RES Killed Super_Sanka with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
20m 55s Roaring_Kitty Suicided with a DamType_Crashed
20m 58s AnKeeDo Killed Fragster with an ArbalestRocketBomb
20m 58s micronova Killed BUSCHMASTER with a BallistaShell
20m 59s ZDragonMan Killed BIG_FloPPies with a CentaurBeams
21m 00s Eny)o( Killed SGT_Airborne with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
21m 00s Javiar Killed sol.snarf with a Flak Cannon
21m 04s micronova Killed Kronix with a BallistaShell
21m 04s micronova Suicided with a BallistaShell
21m 06s Player 18 Killed Eny)o( with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
21m 08s JubeiX Carjacked a ONSBoard
21m 13s leon Killed Snake98 with a DamTypeShockerRocket
21m 15s McL)o(vin Killed micronova with an Ion Plasma Tank
21m 16s sol.snarf Killed Colbye with a CSBomberDamTypeGun
21m 16s Hector_Salamanca Killed ShitMapTuesday with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
21m 17s Roaring_Kitty Suicided from Reckless Driving
21m 20s DW>RES Suicided with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
21m 20s Player 18 Killed Javiar with a Grenade Launcher
21m 21s Player 40 Killed p)o(oty with a FireBall
21m 23s AnKeeDo Killed Eny)o( with an ArbalestClusterBomb_Kill
21m 24s McL)o(vin Killed Hector_Salamanca with a DamTypeDracoExplosion
21m 25s nautikal Killed Xexx with a Goliath Minigun Turret
21m 25s McL)o(vin Killed Fragster with a DamTypeDracoExplosion
21m 26s BLA$TER Killed sol.snarf with a DamType_LaserBeam
21m 30s ShitMapTuesday Killed ZDragonMan with a Goliath
21m 30s trans_lux Suicided with a Goliath
21m 31s BLA$TER Killed ShitMapTuesday with a DamType_LaserBeam
21m 31s Colbye Killed Kronix with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
21m 35s nautikal Killed Super_Sanka with a DamType_PredatorMissile
21m 36s Javiar ty
21m 37s BLA$TER Killed Player 18 with a DamType_LaserBeam
21m 41s BIG_FloPPies Killed Player 40 with a MinotaurKill
21m 46s Army Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Goliath
21m 47s Colbye Killed JubeiX with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
21m 48s BIG_FloPPies Killed Roaring_Kitty with a MinotaurKill
21m 48s Army Killed Player 18 with a Goliath
21m 49s BLA$TER Killed Xexx with a DamType_LaserBeam
21m 53s trans_lux Killed Colbye with a DamType_PredatorRocket
21m 55s trans_lux Suicided with a DamType_Crashed
21m 56s Army Killed JubeiX with a Goliath
22m 04s Super_Sanka Killed Eny)o( with a DamTypeFlareBomb
22m 05s McL)o(vin Killed Javiar with an Ion Plasma Tank
22m 05s Eny)o( Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Bio Rifle
22m 05s BLA$TER Killed sol.snarf with a DamType_LaserBeam
22m 07s ZDragonMan Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Goliath Minigun Turret
22m 07s ShitMapTuesday Killed BLA$TER with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
22m 09s DW>RES Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeHavocMatra
22m 13s Xexx Killed DW>RES with a Shock Rifle
22m 14s Super_Sanka Killed Hector_Salamanca with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
22m 14s Mike_Hawk_Ard Killed Javiar with a FireBall
22m 16s Super_Sanka Killed micronova with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
22m 17s Army Killed AnKeeDo with a Goliath
22m 20s Mike_Hawk_Ard Killed Colbye with a FireBall
22m 22s nautikal Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamType_PredatorRocket
22m 22s Snake98 Killed micronova with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
22m 22s JubeiX Killed Army with a Flak Cannon
22m 22s JubeiX Suicided from a Vehicle Explosion
22m 23s Player 40 Killed Mike_Hawk_Ard with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
22m 23s 11:11 Killed BUSCHMASTER with a BallistaShell
22m 25s Eny)o( Killed Xexx with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
22m 25s Fragster Died from a Raptor
22m 28s Javiar Killed Kronix with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
22m 29s McL)o(vin Killed 11:11 with an Ion Plasma Tank
22m 31s ZDragonMan Carjacked a StarboltV2Omni
22m 32s McL)o(vin Killed Colbye with an Ion Plasma Tank
22m 32s Super_Sanka Killed ZDragonMan with a Shock Rifle
22m 34s leon Killed sol.snarf with a DamTypeShockerIonBlast
22m 34s leon Killed Snake98 with a DamTypeFirebugExplosion
22m 36s BUSCHMASTER Suicided with a DamType_Crashed
22m 39s Eny)o( Killed p)o(oty with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
22m 40s DW>RES Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeDracoRoadkill
22m 45s BLA$TER Killed Super_Sanka with a MinotaurKill
22m 46s Javiar Killed JubeiX with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
22m 48s Eny)o( Killed Xexx with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
22m 49s Army gg
22m 50s sol.snarf Killed Player 40 with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
22m 51s micronova Killed ShitMapTuesday with a FireBall
22m 52s Eny)o( Suicided with a DamTypeFlareBomb
22m 52s Hector_Salamanca Killed Player 18 with an Ion Plasma Tank
22m 56s Red Team Captured a Point!
22m 56s Hector_Salamanca Killed trans_lux with an Ion Plasma Tank
22m 56s Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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