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Chat Log for Omnip)o(tentS 2.0 Onslaught - ONS-DesertJunkYard-TMU-Randomize
on Wed, Nov 02 2022, 10:12:23 PM
Minutes Player Text
-0m 48s Kronix Connected
-0m 48s Kronix Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 48s Azazel Connected
-0m 48s Azazel Team Change to Red Team
-0m 48s 11:11 Connected
-0m 48s 11:11 Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 48s Judas Connected
-0m 48s Eny)o( Connected
-0m 48s Judas Team Change to Red Team
-0m 48s Eny)o( Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 47s Xexx Connected
-0m 47s Xexx Team Change to Red Team
-0m 47s AnKeeDo Connected
-0m 47s AnKeeDo Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 47s p)o(oty Connected
-0m 47s p)o(oty Team Change to Red Team
-0m 47s N.X. Connected
-0m 47s N.X. Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 46s Player 40 Connected
-0m 46s Player 40 Team Change to Red Team
-0m 45s nautikal Connected
-0m 45s nautikal Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 44s Coldcut Connected
-0m 44s Kobra Connected
-0m 44s Coldcut Team Change to Red Team
-0m 44s Kobra Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 43s BIG_FloPPies Connected
-0m 43s BIG_FloPPies Team Change to Red Team
-0m 42s Vugluskr Connected
-0m 42s Vugluskr Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 42s Rolling_Stoned Connected
-0m 42s Rolling_Stoned Team Change to Red Team
-0m 41s Player 25 Connected
-0m 41s Player 25 Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 40s Mike_Hawk_Ard Connected
-0m 40s Mike_Hawk_Ard Team Change to Red Team
-0m 36s FuriousRabbit Connected
-0m 36s FuriousRabbit Team Change to Red Team
-0m 35s leon Connected
-0m 35s leon Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 34s Player 15 Connected
-0m 34s Player 15 Team Change to Red Team
-0m 33s 11:11 looks familiar
-0m 30s BLA$TER Connected
-0m 30s BLA$TER Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 29s ROGER Connected
-0m 29s ROGER Team Change to Red Team
-0m 26s I'm_Sorry Connected
-0m 26s I'm_Sorry Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 24s p)o(oty at least it isn't massd
-0m 19s Azazel looks like ur garden right
-0m 11s 11:11 true
0m 00s Game Start
0m 00s Kobra Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Rolling_Stoned Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Mike_Hawk_Ard Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s BLA$TER Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s ROGER Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s I'm_Sorry Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Azazel Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Eny)o( Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s AnKeeDo Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s p)o(oty Team Change to Blue Team
0m 01s ROGER Connected
0m 01s ROGER Team Change to Blue Team
0m 01s ROGER Disconnected
0m 07s Player 29 Connected
0m 07s I'm_Sorry agin
0m 14s ROGER im ROGER
0m 16s I'm_Sorry do it right this time
0m 21s ROGER kick ROGER my client crashed
0m 33s Azazel reconnec tnow
0m 47s Xexx Died from a DamTypeChimeraPancake
0m 48s Azazel Killed BLA$TER with a MinotaurKill
0m 48s Azazel Killed I'm_Sorry with a MinotaurKill
0m 48s Azazel Killed Kobra with a MinotaurKill
0m 54s Coldcut Knocked Kronix off a ledge
1m 00s Vugluskr Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
1m 01s Player 40 Killed Rolling_Stoned with a Destroyed Vehicle
1m 09s Player 40 Killed Mike_Hawk_Ard with a DamTypeHammerCannon
1m 09s Player 40 Killed ROGER with a DamTypeHammerCannon
1m 09s Player 40 Killed leon with a Vehicle Explosion
1m 10s Xexx Killed Player 25 with a DamTypeChimeraBeam
1m 12s Player 40 Killed N.X. with a DamTypeHammerCannon
1m 12s BLA$TER Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeHeavyShell
1m 16s Azazel Killed Player 15 with a MinotaurKill
1m 25s 11:11 Killed Player 29 with a CentaurBeams
1m 25s Kronix Killed Eny)o( with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
1m 26s leon Killed I'm_Sorry with a FireBadgerHeatRayKill
1m 27s BIG_FloPPies Killed Mike_Hawk_Ard with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
1m 31s FuriousRabbit Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
1m 32s Azazel Killed AnKeeDo with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
1m 34s N.X. Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
1m 37s nautikal Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeHeavyShell
1m 40s Player 25 Killed Judas with a LIPDamTypeDarkPaladinRunOver
1m 40s Player 15 Killed Player 25 with a BiotankKill
1m 42s Azazel Killed Eny)o( with a MinotaurKill
1m 46s leon Killed Player 15 with a FireBadgerHeatRayKill
1m 47s Azazel Killed Player 40 with a MinotaurKill
1m 47s Azazel Suicided with a MinotaurKill
1m 52s Judas Killed p)o(oty with a FireKill
1m 56s Xexx Killed leon with a DamTypeChimeraBeam
2m 02s p)o(oty Killed Eny)o( with a BiotankKill
2m 04s I'm_Sorry Killed Vugluskr with a FireBall
2m 07s Kronix Killed I'm_Sorry with an ArbalestRocketNova
2m 07s Azazel roger, reconnect now to get ur name back
2m 11s p)o(oty Killed Player 40 with a BiotankKill
2m 12s p)o(oty Killed Eny)o( with a BiotankKill
2m 12s Rolling_Stoned Killed BLA$TER with a Goliath Minigun Turret
2m 14s Azazel Killed Judas with a FireBadgerHeatRayKill
2m 18s BIG_FloPPies Killed p)o(oty with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
2m 22s Player 25 Killed Player 40 with an Ion Plasma Tank
2m 23s Eny)o( Killed Mike_Hawk_Ard with a Shock Rifle
2m 24s FuriousRabbit Killed Rolling_Stoned with an Ion Plasma Tank
2m 28s Azazel Killed Eny)o( with a Rocket Launcher
2m 29s Player 15 Killed N.X. with a Shock Rifle
2m 31s 11:11 Killed AnKeeDo with a CentaurBeams
2m 31s Player 25 Killed Player 15 with an Ion Plasma Tank
2m 34s nautikal Killed FuriousRabbit with a DamTypeHeavyShell
2m 34s Coldcut Killed Player 25 with a Leviathan
2m 36s Xexx Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeChimeraBeam
2m 37s Kronix Knocked Kobra off a ledge
2m 38s nautikal Killed Player 29 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
2m 42s BLA$TER Killed nautikal with a DamTypeHeavyShell
2m 51s Player 25 Killed AnKeeDo with a Paladin
2m 51s Player 25 Killed Xexx with a Paladin
2m 53s leon Knocked I'm_Sorry off a ledge
2m 55s Kronix Killed Player 15 with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
3m 08s BLA$TER Killed Azazel with a DamTypeHeavyShell
3m 10s nautikal Killed Eny)o( with a Destroyed Vehicle
3m 13s p)o(oty Killed Player 15 with a FireBall
3m 14s N.X. Killed I'm_Sorry with a DamTypeHelix
3m 14s N.X. Killed Xexx with a DamTypeHelix
3m 21s Vugluskr Killed I'm_Sorry with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
3m 22s BLA$TER Killed leon with a DamTypeHeavyShell
3m 29s Coldcut Killed Vugluskr with a Leviathan
3m 29s BLA$TER Killed Mike_Hawk_Ard with a DamTypeHeavyShell
3m 32s Player 29 Killed ROGER with a DamType_HTankShell
3m 39s N.X. Killed Player 15 with a DamTypeHelix
3m 42s BLA$TER Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
3m 44s leon Killed Player 40 with a BallistaShell
3m 45s Vugluskr Killed BLA$TER with an Ion Plasma Tank
3m 48s FuriousRabbit Killed N.X. with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
3m 49s AnKeeDo Killed Vugluskr with a MegabadgerKill
3m 49s leon Killed Kobra with a BallistaShell
3m 50s BIG_FloPPies Killed ROGER with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
3m 52s nautikal Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeHeavyShell
3m 52s AnKeeDo Killed leon with a MegabadgerKill
3m 53s Player 29 Killed Player 25 with a DamType_HTankRocket
3m 56s Rolling_Stoned Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Shock Rifle
3m 56s Eny)o( Killed Kronix with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
3m 56s p)o(oty Killed Player 15 with a FireKill
3m 56s Player 15 Killed p)o(oty with a BiotankKill
4m 06s N.X. Killed I'm_Sorry with a CentaurBeams
4m 17s Player 15 Killed N.X. with a FireBadgerHeatRayKill
4m 22s FuriousRabbit Killed nautikal with a MinotaurKill
4m 24s Player 25 Killed Player 29 with a FireBadgerHeatRayKill
4m 24s 11:11 Killed Player 15 with an AVRiL
4m 26s FuriousRabbit Killed ROGER with a MinotaurKill
4m 26s I'm_Sorry Killed Mike_Hawk_Ard with a FireBall
4m 29s p)o(oty Suicided with a Flak Cannon
4m 31s Player 40 Killed Vugluskr with a FireBall
4m 31s leon Killed FuriousRabbit with a MinotaurKill
4m 34s BLA$TER Killed Rolling_Stoned with an Ion Plasma Tank
4m 34s leon Killed AnKeeDo with a MinotaurKill
4m 38s I'm_Sorry Killed N.X. with a Destroyed Vehicle
4m 40s Kobra Killed 11:11 with a HeatRay
4m 41s BIG_FloPPies Killed Player 25 with a DamTypeHammerCannon
4m 45s Judas Killed Kronix with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
4m 51s Player 40 Killed leon with a FireKill
4m 54s p)o(oty Killed Player 40 with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
4m 55s Azazel Killed Coldcut with a Flak Cannon
4m 58s Azazel ahahaah
5m 02s nautikal Killed BLA$TER with a MegabadgerKill
5m 02s Azazel suck it coldcut
5m 05s nautikal Killed Xexx with a MegabadgerKill
5m 07s Rolling_Stoned Killed I'm_Sorry with a DamType_LaserBeam
5m 07s Eny)o( Killed ROGER with a Raptor
5m 12s Azazel Killed Coldcut with a Rocket Launcher
5m 14s nautikal Killed Player 40 with a MegabadgerKill
5m 17s BIG_FloPPies Killed Vugluskr with an AVRiL
5m 17s Vugluskr Killed BIG_FloPPies with a BallistaShell
5m 22s Player 29 Killed Rolling_Stoned with a DamTypeRailgunTankRoadkill
5m 25s Kronix Killed Player 15 with a DamTypeHelix
5m 26s Judas Killed Player 25 with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
5m 27s Coldcut Killed Azazel with a Goliath
5m 31s Xexx Killed p)o(oty with an AVRiL
5m 35s nautikal Killed Kobra with a MegabadgerKill
5m 35s Player 40 Killed Vugluskr with a FireBadgerHeatRayKill
5m 35s AnKeeDo Suicided from Reckless Driving
5m 36s Player 15 Killed N.X. with a Shock Rifle
5m 37s Judas Killed ROGER with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
5m 37s leon Killed Player 29 with a BallistaShell
5m 38s Azazel i found coldcuts weakness
5m 40s nautikal Killed Player 40 with a MegabadgerKill
5m 40s FuriousRabbit Killed 11:11 with a DamType_LaserBeam
5m 40s I'm_Sorry Killed Rolling_Stoned with a CentaurBeams
5m 44s Eny)o( Carjacked a Hammerhead
5m 47s Azazel be on foot at him and he cant get ya in his levi
5m 52s Mike_Hawk_Ard Killed Player 40 with a MegabadgerLaserKill
5m 59s Xexx Killed leon with a DamTypeHeavyShell
5m 59s p)o(oty Killed Coldcut with a Leviathan Side Gunner
6m 02s Xexx Killed Mike_Hawk_Ard with a DamTypeHeavyShell
6m 02s Xexx Killed nautikal with a DamTypeHeavyShell
6m 05s ROGER Killed Judas with a DamType_LaserBeam
6m 06s Red Team Captured a Point!
6m 06s Azazel came at a cost i guess.
7m 09s nautikal Killed AnKeeDo with a MinotaurKill
7m 15s nautikal Killed Xexx with a MinotaurKill
7m 16s Javiar Connected
7m 16s Javiar Team Change to Blue Team
7m 16s p)o(oty Killed I'm_Sorry with a DamTypeHammerCannon
7m 19s leon Killed Judas with an ArbalestRocketNova
7m 19s leon Killed Player 29 with an ArbalestRocketNova
7m 22s Vugluskr Killed Player 15 with an AlligatorFlak
7m 22s Player 15 Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
7m 25s Eny)o( Killed Azazel with a MinotaurKill
7m 25s Eny)o( Killed nautikal with a MinotaurKill
7m 28s Eny)o( Killed 11:11 with a MinotaurKill
7m 28s Eny)o( Killed Rolling_Stoned with a MinotaurKill
7m 31s Eny)o( Killed N.X. with a MinotaurKill
7m 31s BIG_FloPPies Killed Kronix with an Ion Plasma Tank
7m 31s BIG_FloPPies Killed Mike_Hawk_Ard with an Ion Plasma Tank
7m 37s Player 15 Died from an Ion Plasma Tank
7m 37s nautikal Killed Player 40 with a Shock Rifle
7m 43s Eny)o( Killed p)o(oty with a MinotaurKill
7m 50s Eny)o( Killed Kronix with a MinotaurKill
7m 50s Judas Killed ROGER with a DamTypePPCTankProj
7m 53s leon Killed Eny)o( with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
7m 53s leon Killed Kobra with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
7m 53s leon Killed BLA$TER with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
7m 56s Xexx Killed nautikal with a DamType_PredatorMissile
7m 58s AnKeeDo Killed Javiar with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
8m 03s Player 15 Suicided with a BallistaShell
8m 04s BIG_FloPPies Killed nautikal with an Ion Plasma Tank
8m 08s Eny)o( Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeHammerCannon
8m 10s Javiar Killed Xexx with a BiotankKill
8m 11s BIG_FloPPies Killed Rolling_Stoned with an Ion Plasma Tank
8m 13s Eny)o( Killed Mike_Hawk_Ard with a DamTypeHammerCannon
8m 14s Vugluskr Killed I'm_Sorry with a FireBall
8m 16s Player 40 Killed Azazel with a FireBall
8m 19s Vugluskr Killed Player 15 with a FireBall
8m 23s Judas Died from a Raptor
8m 23s p)o(oty Killed BLA$TER with a DamType_LaserBeam
8m 24s Eny)o( Killed Kronix with a DamTypeHammerCannon
8m 28s p)o(oty Killed Player 15 with a Goliath Minigun Turret
8m 28s Eny)o( Carjacked a IonPlasmaBadger
8m 32s FuriousRabbit Killed p)o(oty with a DamType_LaserBeam
8m 34s BIG_FloPPies Killed N.X. with a Minigun
8m 38s Vugluskr Killed Player 15 with a FireBall
8m 44s FuriousRabbit Killed Javiar with a DamType_LaserBeam
8m 44s Vugluskr Killed BLA$TER with a FireBall
8m 53s FuriousRabbit Killed N.X. with a DamType_LaserBeam
8m 54s Player 15 Killed Player 25 with a Railgun
9m 00s nautikal Killed Player 40 with a Railgun
9m 01s Xexx Killed Rolling_Stoned with a Goliath Minigun Turret
9m 04s Vugluskr Killed Kobra with a FireKill
9m 05s AnKeeDo Killed Javiar with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
9m 05s Eny)o( Killed Azazel with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
9m 09s Eny)o( Killed Kronix with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
9m 17s p)o(oty Killed Xexx with a Railgun
9m 17s Player 25 Killed Eny)o( with a DamTypeHammerCannon
9m 21s N.X. Killed I'm_Sorry with a DamTypePPCTankProj
9m 23s AnKeeDo Killed p)o(oty with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
9m 23s Player 15 Killed Player 25 with a Railgun
9m 26s Player 40 Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypePPCTankProj
9m 30s Player 40 Killed nautikal with a DamTypePPCTankProj
9m 33s BLA$TER Killed ROGER with an Ion Plasma Tank
9m 34s Judas Killed Kronix with a DamTypeSpiderTankAGSliceBeam
9m 35s FuriousRabbit Killed N.X. with a Goliath Minigun Turret
9m 37s Player 40 Killed Player 25 with a DamTypePPCTankProj
9m 40s Mike_Hawk_Ard Killed Kobra with a BallistaShell
9m 40s Mike_Hawk_Ard Killed Player 40 with a BallistaShell
9m 41s 11:11 Killed FuriousRabbit with a CobraKill
9m 47s nautikal Killed Player 15 with a DamTypeHammerCannon
9m 52s Judas Killed nautikal with a DamTypeSpiderTankAGSliceBeam
9m 56s FuriousRabbit Killed Javiar with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
9m 56s 11:11 Killed FuriousRabbit with a BallistaShell
9m 57s BIG_FloPPies Carjacked a HellHound
9m 58s p)o(oty Killed Player 29 with an Ion Plasma Tank
9m 58s Vugluskr Killed Judas with a BiotankKill
10m 03s Vugluskr Killed I'm_Sorry with a BiotankKill
10m 03s 11:11 Killed BIG_FloPPies with a BallistaShell
10m 04s Player 15 Killed ROGER with a DamTypeBasiliskBeam
10m 08s Coldcut Killed 11:11 with a Leviathan
10m 10s Player 40 Killed Azazel with a BioBeam
10m 20s BLA$TER Killed Javiar with an Ion Plasma Tank
10m 26s Vugluskr Carjacked a Hydra
10m 28s Rolling_Stoned Killed Player 40 with a MinotaurKill
10m 30s BLA$TER Killed ROGER with an Ion Plasma Tank
10m 33s nautikal Killed I'm_Sorry with a Railgun
10m 33s Rolling_Stoned Killed Player 15 with a MinotaurKill
10m 34s BIG_FloPPies Carjacked a MyPPCTank
10m 34s Kobra our Mino is up
10m 38s Player 40 Killed N.X. with a DamTypePPCTankProj
10m 41s Azazel Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeHammerCannon
10m 44s Kronix Killed Player 40 with an AlligatorFlak
10m 45s BLA$TER Killed Azazel with an Ion Plasma Tank
10m 45s I'm_Sorry Killed Kronix with an AVRiL
10m 46s BIG_FloPPies Suicided with an AVRiL
10m 47s Eny)o( Died from a Raptor
10m 48s Vugluskr Killed Xexx with a BiotankKill
10m 48s p)o(oty Killed Player 15 with an Ion Plasma Tank
10m 49s Judas Killed leon with a Flak Cannon
10m 51s FuriousRabbit lol
10m 52s Rolling_Stoned Killed Player 29 with a MinotaurKill
10m 53s nautikal Killed FuriousRabbit with a Railgun
10m 56s Rolling_Stoned Killed I'm_Sorry with a MinotaurKill
10m 58s 11:11 Killed Eny)o( with a CobraKill
11m 07s BIG_FloPPies Killed Rolling_Stoned with a DamTypeHammerCannon
11m 12s nautikal Killed Player 15 with a Railgun
11m 13s p)o(oty Killed AnKeeDo with an Ion Plasma Tank
11m 18s FuriousRabbit Killed nautikal with a BallistaShell
11m 19s BLA$TER Killed ROGER with an Ion Plasma Tank
11m 22s Kronix Killed FuriousRabbit with a DamTypeBasiliskBeam
11m 23s 11:11 Killed BLA$TER with a CobraKill
11m 24s p)o(oty Killed BIG_FloPPies with an Ion Plasma Tank
11m 24s leon Killed Player 15 with a FireBall
11m 29s Player 25 Killed Xexx with a BiotankKill
11m 31s Judas Fell to their death
11m 34s Kronix Killed I'm_Sorry with a DamTypeBasiliskShockwave
11m 37s Player 29 Killed Mike_Hawk_Ard with a DamTypeEONSScorpionEnergyProjectile
11m 37s Player 25 Suicided with a BiotankKill
11m 38s Vugluskr Killed Player 29 with a BioBeam
11m 39s leon Killed Player 15 with a FireBall
11m 43s 11:11 Killed I'm_Sorry with a CobraKill
11m 43s FuriousRabbit Killed N.X. with a Turtlekill
11m 44s leon Killed Player 40 with a FireKill
11m 52s BIG_FloPPies Carjacked a Reaper
11m 54s Eny)o( Killed Azazel with a MinotaurKill
12m 01s FuriousRabbit Killed 11:11 with a Shock Rifle
12m 05s Xexx Killed p)o(oty with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
12m 11s Eny)o( Killed Azazel with a MinotaurKill
12m 11s leon Killed Player 15 with a FireBall
12m 13s BLA$TER Killed leon with a BallistaShell
12m 14s nautikal Killed AnKeeDo with a Shock Rifle
12m 16s Kobra Killed Player 25 with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
12m 17s Eny)o( Killed Kronix with a MinotaurKill
12m 19s FuriousRabbit Killed ROGER with a Shock Rifle
12m 20s BIG_FloPPies Killed 11:11 with a DamType_PredatorMissile
12m 26s Vugluskr Killed BLA$TER with a BiotankKill
12m 26s Eny)o( Killed Azazel with a MinotaurTurretkill
12m 27s p)o(oty Carjacked a HoverBadger
12m 31s Eny)o( Killed 11:11 with a MinotaurKill
12m 31s Eny)o( Killed Kronix with a MinotaurKill
12m 32s Mike_Hawk_Ard Killed Eny)o( with an AlligatorFlak
12m 32s Mike_Hawk_Ard Killed Kobra with an AlligatorFlak
12m 33s Xexx Carjacked a MyONSRV2
12m 33s Player 40 Suicided with a CobraKill
12m 37s FuriousRabbit Fell to their death
12m 41s Judas Killed N.X. with a Paladin
12m 41s nautikal Killed Xexx with a Turtlekill
12m 46s Player 25 Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeHammerCannon
13m 03s Coldcut Killed Vugluskr with a KrakenLasers
13m 04s Eny)o( Killed N.X. with a DamTypeHammerCannon
13m 05s 11:11 Killed Judas with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
13m 08s AnKeeDo Killed Javiar with a DamTypeHammerCannon
13m 08s nautikal Killed I'm_Sorry with a Shock Rifle
13m 08s nautikal Killed Player 29 with a Shock Rifle
13m 08s FuriousRabbit Killed Rolling_Stoned with a Destroyed Vehicle
13m 10s Player 40 Killed nautikal with a FireBall
13m 14s FuriousRabbit Killed Mike_Hawk_Ard with a DamType_LaserBeam
13m 15s Vugluskr Killed Eny)o( with a Railgun
13m 16s AnKeeDo Died from a DamTypeHeliosNuclearExplosion
13m 20s Player 40 Killed N.X. with a FireBall
13m 20s Coldcut Killed Azazel with a Leviathan
13m 27s Vugluskr Killed Player 40 with a Railgun
13m 27s BIG_FloPPies Killed leon with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
13m 33s Player 29 Killed Player 25 with a CSRhinoSecondaryTurretKill
13m 33s Eny)o( Killed Kronix with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
13m 35s Xexx Killed N.X. with a DamTypeHeliosNuclearExplosion
13m 44s ROGER Killed Player 40 with a DamTypeSpiderTankAGSliceBeam
13m 45s p)o(oty Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeRedeemerII
13m 46s Xexx Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeHeliosNuclearExplosion
13m 51s p)o(oty Suicided with a Flak Cannon
13m 52s Mike_Hawk_Ard Killed Kobra with a Rocket Launcher
13m 53s Xexx Killed nautikal with a DamTypeHeliosNuclearExplosion
13m 53s Xexx Killed Mike_Hawk_Ard with a DamTypeHeliosNuclearExplosion
13m 53s Xexx Killed Player 25 with a DamTypeHeliosNuclearExplosion
13m 54s Rolling_Stoned Killed I'm_Sorry with a MinotaurKill
13m 57s leon Killed Player 29 with a FireBall
13m 59s BLA$TER Killed Vugluskr with an Ion Plasma Tank
14m 02s 11:11 Killed Xexx with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
14m 03s Eny)o( Killed nautikal with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
14m 05s ROGER Carjacked a BasiliskTank
14m 07s ROGER Killed Player 40 with a DamTypeBasiliskShockwave
14m 10s Eny)o( Killed nautikal with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
14m 11s Rolling_Stoned Killed FuriousRabbit with a MinotaurKill
14m 11s Rolling_Stoned Killed Judas with a MinotaurKill
14m 12s AnKeeDo Killed Rolling_Stoned with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
14m 12s AnKeeDo Suicided with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
14m 13s Eny)o( Killed Kronix with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
14m 16s Player 29 Killed Player 25 with a Turtlekill
14m 25s I'm_Sorry Killed Azazel with a Paladin
14m 25s ROGER Killed Kobra with a DamTypeBasiliskShockwave
14m 28s Futanari has voted for ONS-ZeroImpact-32p(ONS)
14m 29s Azazel Killed Player 29 with a BallistaShell
14m 30s BIG_FloPPies Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeHammerCannon
14m 31s p)o(oty Killed Player 15 with a BallistaShell
14m 32s Player 40 Killed N.X. with a FireBall
14m 33s Azazel Killed I'm_Sorry with a BallistaShell
14m 34s Azazel Died from a Leviathan
14m 35s Javiar Killed Judas with an Ion Plasma Tank
14m 39s ROGER Carjacked a ONSLinkTank
14m 39s BLA$TER Killed p)o(oty with an Ion Plasma Tank
14m 43s Eny)o( Killed ROGER with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
14m 43s I'm_Sorry Killed Kronix with a Rocket Launcher
14m 44s nautikal Killed FuriousRabbit with a Raptor
14m 46s leon Killed Player 15 with a DamTypeHammerCannon
14m 48s Player 40 Killed N.X. with a FireBall
14m 50s BIG_FloPPies Killed Player 25 with a Link Gun
14m 53s Xexx Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeHammerCannon
14m 55s I'm_Sorry Killed leon with a Shock Rifle
14m 58s BIG_FloPPies Suicided with a Flak Cannon
14m 59s AnKeeDo Killed Player 25 with a MinotaurKill
14m 59s BLA$TER Killed Vugluskr with an Ion Plasma Tank
15m 02s AnKeeDo Killed p)o(oty with a MinotaurKill
15m 02s nautikal Killed I'm_Sorry with a DamTypeHammerCannon
15m 03s Coldcut Killed nautikal with a KrakenLasers
15m 04s Xexx Killed Kronix with a DamTypeHammerCannon
15m 06s Xexx Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeHammerCannon
15m 08s Kobra Killed Mike_Hawk_Ard with a CobraKill
15m 16s Eny)o( Killed ROGER with a Minigun
15m 16s Coldcut Killed Kronix with a Leviathan
15m 17s Coldcut Killed N.X. with a Leviathan
15m 18s Javiar Killed Eny)o( with an Ion Plasma Tank
15m 19s Azazel Killed Player 15 with a Railgun
15m 20s p)o(oty Killed Player 29 with a Railgun
15m 22s Javiar Died from an Ion Plasma Tank
15m 22s AnKeeDo Killed p)o(oty with a MinotaurKill
15m 25s AnKeeDo Killed Kronix with a MinotaurKill
15m 26s Player 40 Killed nautikal with a FireBall
15m 28s leon Killed Player 40 with a DamTypeSpiderTankAGSliceBeam
15m 28s AnKeeDo Killed N.X. with a MinotaurKill
15m 28s AnKeeDo Killed ROGER with a MinotaurKill
15m 29s Coldcut Killed Javiar with a Leviathan
15m 29s Azazel Killed Xexx with a Flak Cannon
15m 31s Mike_Hawk_Ard Killed Coldcut with a Turtlekill
15m 35s BLA$TER Killed Javiar with an Ion Plasma Tank
15m 36s Player 40 Killed nautikal with a DamTypePPCTankProj
15m 37s Player 29 Killed Rolling_Stoned with a Destroyed Vehicle
15m 37s AnKeeDo Killed p)o(oty with a MinotaurKill
15m 43s p)o(oty Killed AnKeeDo with a Shock Rifle
15m 44s leon Killed Kobra with a DamTypeSpiderTankAGSliceBeam
15m 47s BLA$TER Killed N.X. with an Ion Plasma Tank
15m 49s leon Killed Player 40 with a DamTypeSpiderTankAGSliceBeam
15m 49s FuriousRabbit Killed Player 25 with a DamType_LaserBeam
15m 52s p)o(oty Killed Eny)o( with a Shock Rifle
15m 55s Vugluskr Killed Player 15 with a BiotankKill
16m 03s nautikal Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeHammerCannon
16m 05s Azazel Killed Kobra with a Flak Cannon
16m 08s Player 40 Killed Azazel with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
16m 10s Player 15 Killed leon with a DamTypeBasiliskBeam
16m 11s Azazel nice try kayla
16m 12s FuriousRabbit Killed Mike_Hawk_Ard with a DamType_LaserBeam
16m 13s nautikal Killed Player 15 with a DamTypeHammerCannon
16m 16s Eny)o( Killed p)o(oty with a BiotankKill
16m 19s nautikal Killed Coldcut with a DamTypeHammerCannon
16m 24s Xexx Killed Rolling_Stoned with a DamType_PredatorMissile
16m 24s Player 40 Killed Kronix with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
16m 24s nautikal Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeHammerCannon
16m 27s Eny)o( Killed nautikal with a BioBeam
16m 29s Judas Killed Player 25 with a BallistaShell
16m 32s Xexx Killed Javiar with a DamType_PredatorMissile
16m 36s Player 40 Knocked N.X. off a ledge
16m 39s Vugluskr Killed Player 15 with a BiotankKill
16m 39s leon Killed AnKeeDo with a FireBall
16m 39s Blue Team Captured a Point!
16m 39s Azazel Killed Xexx with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
16m 42s Kronix gg
17m 02s Player 15 Died from a Manta
17m 30s AnKeeDo Killed ROGER with a MinotaurKill
17m 30s AnKeeDo Killed leon with a MinotaurKill
17m 36s Player 15 Died from a LIPDamTypePlasmaTankPANCAKE
17m 36s Eny)o( Killed Kronix with a DamTypeHammerCannon
17m 39s Azazel Killed FuriousRabbit with a DamTypeHammerCannon
17m 39s Azazel Killed Player 40 with a DamTypeHammerCannon
17m 39s AnKeeDo Killed Rolling_Stoned with a MinotaurKill
17m 47s Vugluskr Killed Kobra with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
17m 48s Judas Killed Player 25 with a Turtlekill
17m 48s AnKeeDo Killed Mike_Hawk_Ard with a MinotaurKill
17m 55s nautikal Killed AnKeeDo with a MinotaurKill
17m 59s Eny)o( Killed N.X. with a DamTypeHammerMinigun
17m 59s Eny)o( Killed p)o(oty with a DamTypeHammerMinigun
18m 00s BLA$TER Killed Vugluskr with an Ion Plasma Tank
18m 02s Xexx Suicided with a Flak Cannon
18m 03s Judas Killed Kronix with a Turtlekill
18m 03s Player 15 Killed Azazel with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
18m 11s Player 25 Killed Kobra with a DamTypeHammerCannon
18m 15s leon Killed Xexx with an Ion Plasma Tank
18m 16s AnKeeDo Killed Javiar with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
18m 18s leon Killed FuriousRabbit with an Ion Plasma Tank
18m 20s I'm_Sorry Killed ROGER with an Ion Plasma Tank
18m 22s Coldcut Killed leon with a KrakenLasers
18m 23s Kobra Killed Player 25 with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
18m 23s nautikal Killed AnKeeDo with a MinotaurKill
18m 29s Kronix Killed Player 29 with a Goliath Minigun Turret
18m 29s Judas Killed p)o(oty with a Turtlekill
18m 38s Judas Killed Vugluskr with a Turtlekill
18m 43s nautikal Killed Eny)o( with a MinotaurKill
18m 43s Eny)o( Killed nautikal with a DamTypeHammerCannon
18m 44s Kronix Killed Kobra with a DamType_ARMTankRoadkill
18m 46s I'm_Sorry Killed Javiar with an Ion Plasma Tank
18m 53s Eny)o( Killed Azazel with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
18m 53s AnKeeDo Killed N.X. with a DamTypeSpiderTankAGSliceBeam
18m 56s FuriousRabbit Killed Rolling_Stoned with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
18m 56s Xexx Killed Kronix with a DamTypeSpiderTankAGSliceBeam
19m 00s Xexx Killed p)o(oty with a DamTypeSpiderTankAGSliceBeam
19m 01s Judas Killed leon with a Turtlekill
19m 07s ROGER Killed FuriousRabbit with a DamTypeHammerCannon
19m 12s Player 40 Killed Player 25 with an Ion Plasma Tank
19m 12s AnKeeDo Killed Mike_Hawk_Ard with a Flak Cannon
19m 16s Javiar Killed AnKeeDo with a CobraKill
19m 18s Azazel Killed Kobra with an AVRiL
19m 21s BIG_FloPPies Suicided with a Flak Cannon
19m 27s sol.snarf Connected
19m 27s sol.snarf Team Change to Red Team
19m 30s leon Killed Player 40 with a Goliath
19m 31s Azazel nice cheating at 7
19m 35s Eny)o( Killed nautikal with a Leviathan
19m 37s Xexx Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeSpiderTankAGSliceBeam
19m 39s Judas Killed Azazel with a Turtlekill
19m 43s AnKeeDo Killed nautikal with a DamTypeHammerCannon
19m 44s BLA$TER Killed Vugluskr with an Ion Plasma Tank
19m 44s Player 29 Suicided
19m 44s Player 29 Disconnected
19m 46s AnKeeDo Killed Azazel with a DamTypeHammerCannon
19m 46s FuriousRabbit Killed Mike_Hawk_Ard with a DamTypeHammerCannon
19m 49s 11:11 Killed Coldcut with a DamTypeShockerRocket
19m 53s Kobra Killed Kronix with a DamTypeEONSScorpionEnergyProjectile
20m 00s Xexx Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeSpiderTankAGSliceBeam
20m 03s ROGER Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeHammerCannon
20m 05s Player 25 Killed BLA$TER with an Ion Plasma Tank
20m 05s sol.snarf Killed Player 25 with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
20m 06s N.X. Killed Xexx with a KingHellHoundFlak
20m 09s Judas Killed Azazel with a Turtlekill
20m 09s leon Carjacked a HospitilarV3Omni
20m 10s nautikal Killed FuriousRabbit with a Raptor
20m 12s Xexx Killed N.X. with an AlligatorFlak
20m 12s Player 40 Killed p)o(oty with a Rocket Launcher
20m 13s I'm_Sorry Killed Javiar with an Ion Plasma Tank
20m 19s Judas Killed Vugluskr with a Turtlekill
20m 21s FuriousRabbit Killed Rolling_Stoned with a Destroyed Vehicle
20m 21s Azazel placed a kick vote against Judas
20m 22s Eny)o( Killed Kronix with a Rocket Launcher
20m 24s Player 29 Connected
20m 25s Xexx Killed ROGER with an AlligatorFlak
20m 30s Azazel judas staying alive with enyos haxx
20m 32s Player 25 Killed Kobra with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
20m 33s Player 15 Killed Player 25 with a CobraKill
20m 36s Xexx Killed nautikal with an AlligatorFlak
20m 37s Judas Killed p)o(oty with a Turtlekill
20m 43s Red Team Captured a Point!
20m 43s Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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